I believe that..
But why does order by work on a "name" column but not a "char(10)" column.
See my earlier (posted later because of problems) e-mail.
In <20041226211640.GA28590@winnie.fuhr.org>, on 12/26/04 at 02:16 PM, Michael Fuhr <mike@fuhr.org> said:
>On Sun, Dec 26, 2004 at 02:57:08PM -0500, lsunley@mb.sympatico.ca wrote:
>> So what is difference between a "name" and a char(10)???
>See the "Character Types" section in the "Data Types" chapter of the
>"The name type exists _only_ for storage of identifiers in the internal
>system catalogs and is not intended for use by the general user."