From: Fabien COELHO []
> I still do not understand the use-case specifics: for me, aborting the
> connection, or a softer cancelling the statement, will result in the
> server stopping the statement, so the server does NOT "continue the job",
> so I still do not see how it really differs from the server-side
> statement_timeout setting.
How about when the server is so saturated that statement_timeout cannot work? See SQLNET.SEND_TIMEOUT and
As these parameter names suggest, maybe we could use SEND_TIMEO and RECV_TIMEO socket options for setsockopt() instead
ofusing pqWaitTimed().
To wrap up, the relevant parameters work like this:
* TCP keepalive and TCP user (retransmission) timeout: for network problems
* statement_timeout: for long-running queries
* socket_timeout (or send/recv_timeout): for saturated servers
FYI, PgJDBC has a parameter named socketTimeout:
Takayuki Tsunakawa