> > That really should be up to you. Conferences are a great way to lift the
> > project's profile, and PostgreSQL talks are very popular and well
> > attended. However, as your email seems to suggest, they're pretty time
> > consuming and generally pretty far away from home. I was definitely
> > feeling this last year.
> I don't mind the trips. I usually look forward to it, then a few days
> before, I dread it because my life has to stop while I travel, then when
> I return I realize how valuable the trip was, and I catch up on my
> email. The only downside is my being away from email for a week every
> month. I read some email while I am away, but I don't have the time to
> read most of it because the trips are usually busy times for me.
I'll do the trips - unfortunately it'll cost me $A2000 each time to fly to
the states economy :P