could not devise a query plan - Mailing list pgsql-sql
From | SZŰCS Gábor |
Subject | could not devise a query plan |
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Msg-id | 05d801c41bd8$daf4f8f0$0403a8c0@fejleszt4 Whole thread Raw |
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Re: could not devise a query plan
Re: could not devise a query plan Re: could not devise a query plan |
List | pgsql-sql |
Dear Gurus, I couldn't find the string of my email's subject on the web, except for one place: the PostgreSQL source :) So I'm desperate. -- VERSION I'm using "PostgreSQL 7.4.1 on i686-pc-linux-gnu, compiled by GCC 2.95.4" with the patch for "shown aggregate columns is 0" (if you know what I mean ;) ) Version "PostgreSQL 7.3.3 on i686-pc-linux-gnu, compiled by GCC 2.95.4" on a differend machine yields the same results, except as noted below. Difference may be the version or something else, but there is a recent mirror of the 7.3.3 db (generated from textual pg_dump) on the 7.4.1 server that also throws the error. -- ABSTRACT #1. Below is a very simplified query that throws this error. The original query used a view, CASE's, aggregates, function calls and meaningful WHERE clauses :) The idea is to join the table with itself, but the subselects sum different rows in field vi_m and sz_m. Some modifications solve the problem, I show two versions. #2. One is a single field rename (counts much in NATURAL FULL), #3. the other is a group by construction. There is another erroneous query: #4. Giving an outer WHERE clause to #3, the error is back, BUT ONLY IN 7.4.1 -- DETAILS are at the end of this email. -- CONCLUSION If this is enough to give me a clue, I'd be grateful. If there is a general discussion about this error, I'd be honoured. If you'd like to see the original query and corresponding definitions, I think I can share it with you. If this is a bug and has been fixed since 7.4.1, I'd take the task to compile a newer version and see how it fares. G. %----------------------- cut here -----------------------% \end \d sztgy Table "pg_temp_4.sztgy" Column | Type | Modifiers ---------------------+---------------+-----------az | integer |allapot | integer |megrendelo | integer |szallito | integer |keretrendeles_az | integer |teljesites | date |szallitolevel_fajta | integer |szallitas | integer |tetelszam | integer |cikk | integer |minoseg | integer |mennyiseg | numeric(14,4) |fajta | integer |mennyisegi_egyseg | integer |hibastatusz | integer | %----------------------- cut here -----------------------% -- #1: This throws the error: SELECT * FROM (SELECT * FROM(SELECT sum(mennyiseg) as vi_m FROM sztgy) szt_having ) AS szt NATURAL FULL OUTER JOIN (SELECT * FROM(SELECT sum(mennyiseg) as sz_m FROM sztgy) vsz_having ) AS vsz; ERROR: could not devise a query plan for the given query %----------------------- cut here -----------------------% -- #2: This works, with a single rename, but useless for me: SELECT * FROM (SELECT * FROM(SELECT sum(mennyiseg) as sz_m FROM sztgy) szt_having ) AS szt NATURAL FULL OUTER JOIN (SELECT * FROM(SELECT sum(mennyiseg) as sz_m FROM sztgy) vsz_having ) AS vsz; sz_m ----------------530515336.8900 (1 row) %----------------------- cut here -----------------------% -- #3: This works, with group-by -- the original query has group-by clause, but throws the error (see #4) -- SELECT'ed count just to show the result. SELECT'ing * also works. SELECT count(*) FROM (SELECT * FROM(SELECT cikk, minoseg, sum(mennyiseg) as vi_m FROM sztgy group by cikk, minoseg) szt_having ) AS szt NATURAL FULL OUTER JOIN (SELECT * FROM(SELECT cikk, minoseg, sum(mennyiseg) as sz_m FROM sztgy group by cikk, minoseg) vsz_having ) AS vsz; count ------- 1590 (1 row) %----------------------- cut here -----------------------% -- #4: This works only on server v7.3.3: SELECT * FROM (SELECT * FROM(SELECT cikk, minoseg, sum(mennyiseg) as vi_m FROM sztgy group by cikk, minoseg) szt_havingwhere cikk=101917and minoseg=1 ) AS szt NATURAL FULL OUTER JOIN (SELECT * FROM(SELECT cikk, minoseg, sum(mennyiseg) as sz_m FROM sztgy group by cikk, minoseg) vsz_havingwhere cikk=101917and minoseg=1 ) AS vsz; -- 7.3.3: cikk | minoseg | vi_m | sz_m --------+---------+---------+---------101917 | 1 | 20.0000 | 20.0000 (1 row) -- 7.4.1: ERROR: could not devise a query plan for the given query