Please update and reply - Mailing list pgsql-bugs

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Subject Please update and reply
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List pgsql-bugs

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The message that caused this notification was:

 <<Re: [BUGS] General Bug Report: Files greater than 1 GB are created while
sorting >>
Bruce Momjian <> writes:
> I have renamed these sort temp tables to pg_sorttemp so they will not be
> confused with actual temp tables.

I didn't realize that the names generated for temp tables were so close
to those generated for temp files.  Changing one or the other does seem
like a good idea.  But I do not like "pg_sorttemp" because fd.c's
temporary-file mechanism is used for more things than just sorting.
Hash joins, for example.  Can we think of a better name?

Alternatively, how about including the user-given name for a temp table
into its real name?  That would be helpful for debugging, I'm sure.
I'm thinking of something like

    snprintf(newrelname, NAMEDATALEN, "pg_temp.%d.%u.%s",
         (int) MyProcPid, uniqueId++, userrelname);

(relying on snprintf to truncate the user name if too long, here).

> You are safe up to 2 gigs, and at that point, the OS will can cause a
> problem.  The new naming should make the cause clearer.  Don't know if
> we can get this done in 6.5.1 because the change to segment these
> requires some work.  Looks like the psort code goes right to fd/*,
> bypassing the storage manager.

Yes, it will take some thought to figure out how to handle multi-segment
temp files without cluttering the code too badly.  I think it can be
handled inside fd.c, though.

Note that under ordinary circumstances, the data being processed by a
sort or hash join will be written into several temp files that each get
just a fraction of the data; so you would not actually see a problem
until you got to several-times-2-Gig total data volume.

            regards, tom lane

pgsql-bugs by date:

From: Tom Lane
Subject: Re: [BUGS] General Bug Report: Files greater than 1 GB are created while sorting
Subject: Re: [BUGS] General Bug Report: GROUP BY with NULL not done properly(Oracle8& DB/2 do this completely different)