Hi......... - Mailing list pgsql-admin

From sandhya
Subject Hi.........
Msg-id 055001c5c010$44a85760$cd00000a@amiindiahjwbgh
Whole thread Raw
Responses Re: Hi.........
Re: Hi.........
List pgsql-admin
Is there any way/any SQL query of getting information regarding users.
Like ....
1) To Display all the databases under Particular user
2) To Display the timings of login and logout of the databases of other users.
3) To Display the permissions of the users
4) To Display the tables and Access permissions of it under a database
Can any one please do helpful in the above cases........
Thank you

pgsql-admin by date:

From: "Adrian Engelbrecht"
Subject: Re: vacuum message
From: Hannes Dorbath
Subject: Re: Hi.........