From: "Tom Lane" <>
> "Magnus Naeslund(f)" <> writes:
> > The DLL load thingy doesn't work on all win9x machines, so i made it go thru a lookup table instead, using the DLL
aslast resort.
> Is Windows really so lame that this information is not available from
> the system? I do not like having to maintain our own error-message
> list.
> regards, tom lane
Sorry to say, yes.
The thing here is that if you build it on Win2k (as we do with our app(s)) and all is fine there, it will not work on
win9x,returning a "Unknown socket error (0xNUMBER)" message (with our old code) because the DLL thing fails, and that's
My rationale here is: This list is up-to-date with nt4 and if m$ add anything after that (win2k, XP) the DLL load thing
willcatch that.
It's a minor optimization even to just linearly scan the LUT compared to load a DLL (yeah i know it doesn't matter
It's very common in the Microsoft world that they mess up the first releases of a API, and the after makes it "right",
butthen it's too late.
Often you can check the version of the kernel/system but not in this case.
I've looked around quite a lot, and would be a darn happy penguin if anyone could prove me wrong.
Magnus Naeslund
Programmer/Networker [|] Magnus Naeslund