Sorry, I meant pgagent that comes with pgadmin 1.9. That IS 3.0.0 release right?
That does not change my original issue however... I cant set up FreeBSD workstation just to compile dang pgagent - a
lotof hassle (besides, don’t have a spare workstation). Isnt there really a way how to compile pgagent without invoking
allthose GUI dependencies?
-----Original Message-----
From: Dave Page []
Sent: Sunday, March 29, 2009 11:24 AM
To: Peter
Subject: Re: [pgadmin-support] PgAgent without wxWidgets?
On Sun, Mar 29, 2009 at 9:11 AM, Peter <> wrote:
> I cant compile (standalone) PgAgent 1.9 on FreeBSD - it requires a huge
> number of X11 packages. Compilation breaks in one of them, and anyway I
> dont want X on pure server machine. Is there a way to compile pgagent
> without this? It's a pure command-line program anyway, why should it
> need wxWidgets?
wxWidgets isn't just GUI classes, and pgAgent doesn't require any of
the GUI dependencies to run. You should be able to build on a
workstation and then copy the resulting binary to your server without
having to install any X components.
Oh, and if you have a pgAgent that claims to be 1.9, then you have
some pretty old development code. Why not use the released 3.0.0
Dave Page
EnterpriseDB UK: