> > Peter,
> >
> > >The date and time methods are being rewritten for 6.6 as they can't
> > >some of the different time zones.
> >
> > Thanks, can I set postgres to pass dates to JDBC in a format that it can
> > understand?
> The SET DATESTYLE statement can be used to force the backend to return
> dates in a particular format. The best one being ISO.
This problem is still causing me headaches, I can change the timezone for
the session:
finsbury=> select current_timestamp ;
1999-11-15 06:57:38-05
(1 row)
finsbury=> set timezone='gmt';
finsbury=> select current_timestamp ;
1999-11-15 11:58:37+00
(1 row)
And also for the postgres user (by setting PGTZ=GMT in.bash_profile),
But how do I set the timezone when I start postgres so that dates are always
reported in GMT?
postgresql 6.4