Re: [PATCHES] Ant configuration - Mailing list pgsql-jdbc

From Dave Cramer
Subject Re: [PATCHES] Ant configuration
Msg-id 016901c15772$8f065650$c201a8c0@inspiron
Whole thread Raw
In response to Re: [PATCHES] Ant configuration  (Barry Lind <>)
List pgsql-jdbc
Given that ant is (or is becoming) the defacto standard for building
java apps I am reluctant to remove it. A number of projects simply
include the ant jar in the download.


-----Original Message-----
[] On Behalf Of Barry Lind
Sent: October 17, 2001 4:23 PM
To: Marko Kreen
Subject: Re: [JDBC] [PATCHES] Ant configuration

I don't like this patch.  If anything I think we should remove the
dependency on ANT, not remove the dependency on make.

By requiring ANT, we provide yet another hurdle for someone wanting to
use JDBC with postgres.  I would prefer that the build environment be
the same for the database as for the jdbc code.

Anything that makes it more difficult to download the source and get
going with it is a negative in my opinion.  And from my perspective
requiring the download of an additional tool (ANT in this case) makes it

more difficult.

I already know that some binary distributions of postgres do not include

JDBC simply because it is too complex to get ANT installed in their
build environment. (complex perhaps isn't the right word, but it is more

work than they are willing to put in for a small feature of postgres).


Marko Kreen wrote:

> I dusted a old patch that integrates Ant better with autoconf.  It
> creates a file src/ to pass autoconf parameters to Ant.  Now

> Ant can be used directly, without going through Makefile.
> '' is still passed in Makefile to keep DESTDIR
> working.

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pgsql-jdbc by date:

From: Bruce Momjian
Subject: Re: [PATCHES] Ant configuration
From: Mark "Lillywhite (pg-jdbc)"
Subject: Large Object exceptions