No...What i need is...
I want to know the equivalent sql queries for \l and \dt commands in order
to list the databases and tables.
I want to do it through programming
----- Original Message -----
From: "Stef" <>
To: "sandhya" <>
Cc: "postgre" <>; "sandhya"
Sent: Thursday, September 22, 2005 3:38 PM
Subject: Re: [ADMIN] Reg: sql commands
> psql -E
> To see what that does :
> man psql
> sandhya mentioned :
> => Hi...
> => Is there any equivalent sql commands/queries for
> => ' \l ' (which list out all the databases) and
> => ' \dt ' ( Which lists all the Tables of the current database)
> => If anybody knows Please tell me.Or If there is any way to get the info
of databases and tables pls..Explain me
> => This is very much required for me to proceed further..
> =>
> => Thank you very much.......
> =>
> => -Sandhya
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