Re: Bottom Posting - Mailing list pgsql-general

From Bob Pawley
Subject Re: Bottom Posting
Msg-id 013801c8c0f3$a904d030$6401a8c0@owner
Whole thread Raw
In response to Open Source CRM - Options?  (Mark Neely <>)
Responses Re: Bottom Posting
List pgsql-general
IMHO and WADR I am on four different types of lists.

When I am following a thread I very much appreciate those respondents who
get their point across up front without making me wade through previous
posts which I have already read.

I can understand the concept of bottom posting as a means of easily
generating digests. However, digests don't seem to be an issue on any of the
lists to which I subscribe.

The concept of most lists should be "the free exchange of ideas in the most
efficient manner possible".


----- Original Message -----
From: "Gregory Stark" <>
To: "Tom Lane" <>
Cc: "Andy Anderson" <>; "Postgres General List"
Sent: Wednesday, May 28, 2008 11:30 AM
Subject: Re: [GENERAL] Bottom Posting

> "Tom Lane" <> writes:
>> Bottom line: have some respect for your readers.  Make it easy to
>> distinguish what you wrote from the preceding material, and remember
>> that the only reason you are quoting anything at all is to provide some
>> context for what you are saying.  We don't need to re-read the entire
>> darn thread.
> I don't think the people who top-post or quote the entire message are
> doing it
> out of disrespect. They just have never been exposed to the traditional
> style.
> The main reason I posted this was to demonstrate that there's really no
> reason
> to quote the original message. My response was only to this one point and
> not
> the longer previous point. I actually think this is a more important point
> to
> get across than simply "don't top post" which just seems to generate lots
> of
> "bottom posts" that are just as bad.
> --
>  Gregory Stark
>  EnterpriseDB
>  Ask me about EnterpriseDB's RemoteDBA services!
> --
> Sent via pgsql-general mailing list (
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Subject: HELP with a query with blank fields
From: "Jeff Peck"
Subject: Help with app design