"Josh Berkus" <josh@agliodbs.com>
> Gaetano,
> > Hash Join (cost=265.64..32000.76 rows=40612 width=263) (actual
> > time=11074.21..11134.28 rows=10 loops=1)
> > Hash Cond: ("outer".id_user = "inner".id_user)
> > -> Seq Scan on user_logs ul (cost=0.00..24932.65 rows=1258965
> > (actual time=0.02..8530.21 rows=1258966 loops=1)
> OK, here's your problem
> The planner thinks that you're going to get 40162 rows out of the final
> not 10. If the row estimate was correct, then the Seq Scan would be a
> reasonable plan. But it's not. Here's some steps you can take to clear
> things up for the planner:
> 1) Make sure you've VACUUM ANALYZED
> 2) Adjust the following postgresql.conf statistics:
> a) effective_cache_size: increase to 70% of available (not used by other
> processes) RAM.
> b) random_page_cost: decrease, maybe to 2.
> c) default_statistics_target: try increasing to 100
> (warning: this will significantly increase the time required to do
> Then test again!
No improvement at all,
I pushed default_statistics_target to 1000
but the rows expected are still 40612 :-(
Of course I restarted the postmaster and I vacuumed analyze the DB
Thank you