terminal psql: wrong console keystrokes - Mailing list pgsql-interfaces

From Nico
Subject terminal psql: wrong console keystrokes
Msg-id 01021715250900.02205@localhost.localdomain
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List pgsql-interfaces
Through Konsole, the Up, Down, Left, Right keys work properly, but through
psql the keystrokes seem to be wrong:
instead of up (for scrolling in the internel buffer) it appears  ^[[A
Down  ^[[B
Right ^[[C
Left  ^[[D
Back_del  (ok)
Forward_del ^[[3~

It happened when I upgraded Mandrake from 7.1 to 7.2 (Linux 2.2.17-21mdksmp
i686), postgresql 7.0.2 from Mandrake RPM.
Where should I look at?  I tried the following keyboard settings:
Linux console, xterm, vt100, vt420pc
but no-one works properly.


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