Hi all,
I am using postgresql 7.2.1.
I'm trying to create two separate objects with the same name, a table and a view on the table. It seems like the best way to do this is to create two schemas and have the view reference the table in the other schema. But I have a problem. TO start with, it seems like psql is creating another database instead of another schema (e.g. CREATE SCHEMA TEST1; returns CREATE DATABASE). This is not the biggest problem in the world, although I had thought that schemas would be subordinate to databases (just like users :~)
Secondly, when I run "\c test2 testuser" to *connect* to the schema I want the view created in, where
running create view try1 as select * from test1.try1;
returns ERROR: parser: parse error at or near "."
How can I get the view in the test2 schema to reference the table in schema test1?
Thanks in advance,