Re: PreparedStatement and DB default values - Mailing list pgsql-jdbc

From Tomisław Kityński
Subject Re: PreparedStatement and DB default values
Msg-id 00c901c22470$81bd9e60$625d4cd5@xpecet
Whole thread Raw
In response to PreparedStatement and DB default values  (Tomisław Kityński <>)
List pgsql-jdbc
----- Original Message -----
From: "Barry Lind" <>
To: "Tomisław Kityński" <>
Cc: <>
Sent: Friday, July 05, 2002 9:08 PM
Subject: Re: [JDBC] PreparedStatement and DB default values

> I doubt this is jdbc related.  Can you turn on query tracing in the
> server to see the exact SQL that the jdbc driver is sending to the
> server and then run that same sql through psql?
  This is part of the log from postmaster fired off with -d 4:

DEBUG:  query: INSERT INTO "users" ("first", "last", "email", "ed") VALUES
('Jan', 'Nowak', '', 'f');

  And now the best part--this query pasted into psql... didn't work too!
As I'm almost sure, that similar insert string worked for psql, I looked
.psql_history to find that exact insert that worked. I found it, I pasted
and... it didn't work too! Uhm, I am very confused now. Well, I issued
also such statement:


and it refuses to insert null value in not null attribute id_user,
which of course have defined not-null default value. And this _really_
is something strange, 'cos I am almost 100% sure that, this one worked
some time ago (I have it in .psql_history). Well, I checked the table for
tuples with "first" and "last" set to default values and there is only
one tuple which consists of exactly the same values as default values.
And I am sure this tuple exists because above statement worked--but now
it does not (what this depend on? debug level??? uhm, I guess not--
I just started postmaster in silent mode and the same happens).

Well, this looks very misterious to me, but you're right in one place:
this isn't probably JDBC related. But how to explain the existence of
'default' tuple in table? I really have strong impression, that those
statements were working when issued from psql few days ago, and now
they're not. 8((

The worst thing is, that on sunday I have to pass db-project (studies),
and now I made some steps back 8(

pgsql-jdbc by date:

From: Dave Cramer
Subject: Re: [Middlegen-user] Try other one of Postgresql JDBC Driver
From: madan kulkarni
Subject: Error!