I am about to develop a web-based application using Java for a school, and I am still thinking about which technology I should be using for my database server. I will most surely use a WinNT, 2k or XP PC as server (I think the client will not want a dedicated server, but rather a PC that someone could use to work with, which is not a good idea but I cannot force them to use a Linux dedicated server if they don’t want to).
Now my obvious question is… Will Postgresql work fine if mounted as a productive DB server on cygwin? The traffic will not be too heavy, so I am not too much concerned about it, but rather about a stable and adequate functionality (as stable as Windows can be J).
My other option is to use MySQL 4.x (the newest available, production version), which is easy to migrate between Windows and Linux.
Recommendations are welcome.
Regards… Martin Schmiedel