Dear All,
please please advice to solve a frustration.
Where to post the following question (I asked on other forums - no answer; people did not respond either) ?
I am attempting to create and exerimental environment under W2000 which includes
Apache native W2000,
Perl 5.8.0 - MSWin32-x86-multi-thread, binary build 806
I installed PostgreSQL under the latest cygwin and created a test database, inserted some data into it - no problems.
Note: announced Native Win PostgreSQL 7.4 will not be released (only 8.0 in 2004)
The problem is to connect from CGI into this database using Perl with DBI e.g with DBD-Pg ( the module is Edmund Mergl's and asks for Perl build 805 - he doid not respond to my email).
I cannot link this module into Perl (note: I failed also with the cygwin Perl).
What could be done ?
Many thanks