Hi Tom,
when I run the select query I get the following output,
ltt=> select * from pg_type where typname='trigger';
typname | typowner | typlen | typprtlen | typbyval | typtype | typisdefined
| typdelim | typrelid | typelem | typinput | typoutput
| typreceive | typsend | typalign | typstorage | typdefault
trigger | 0 | 0 | 0 | f | | f
| | 0 | 0 | - | -
| - | - | i | p | trigger
(1 row)
I have a feeling that the database owner (ltt) has created their own type
'trigger' and am guessing that at some other time dropped an item (table
maybe) that uses or used an instance of the type trigger. I have about 100
plus users databases on the same system and it only appears that this user
is causing the pg_dump warning message.
Computer Officer, RA Certification Manager
Department of Computer Science - UWA
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-----Original Message-----
From: Tom Lane [mailto:tgl@sss.pgh.pa.us]
Sent: 03 January 2007 15:40
To: Sandy Spence
Cc: 'Rajesh Kumar Mallah'; pgsql-admin@postgresql.org
Subject: Re: [ADMIN] Trigger trouble
"Sandy Spence" <axs@aber.ac.uk> writes:
> The version of postgres we are currently running is PostgreSQL 7.2.3
You sure it's not something newer? There wasn't any built-in type named
"trigger" in 7.2 --- there is in 7.3 and up.
Assuming it is 7.3, dropping the type would be a really bad idea. Could we
see the results of "select * from pg_type where typname = 'trigger'"?
I'm guessing that either that row is corrupt, or you dropped the original
superuser account (in which case the gripe about type trigger is just the
tip of the iceberg).
regards, tom lane