> Ray,
> On Dec 14, 2004, at 4:32 PM, Afton & Ray Still wrote:
>> Now I have a new question. I downloaded these files (win XP) and managed
>> to set them up, sort of. The first time I got to the stage where you have
>> to enter a password and user name, and I didn't read close enough. I
>> tried to leave the password blank because I didn't want a password and
>> the installer came up with something about 20 characters long and about
>> half punctuation, so I tried to back up. Any way, now I need to remove
>> this user name or at least change the password and I don't even know what
>> program this user is stored in.
> I did not see anyone respond, so I'll take a shot -- but I'm not a Windows
> expert. I think the user pg creates is a non-privileged account for
> running the server. I don't see it in the normal users lists, so Windows
> must have different classes of users. So I supposed there is some sort of
> command line way to change the password, but I don't know what it is.
> If you are just starting and have not really done anything with the
> database, it might be easier to just uninstall and then install it again.
> Is it up and running OK? You might not even need to worry about the
> account password. I can't recall ever using it -- the service takes care
> of starting up. If you are talking about the database super user password,
> then that is a different matter.
> Best,
> John DeSoi, Ph.D.
> http://pgedit.com/
> Power Tools for PostgreSQL
It might be the supper user you're talking about. I aborted during install
and haven't been able to install properly. I can't install unless I uncheck
"install as a service" and then pgadmin won't connect. I've uninstalled and
reinstalled a couple of times. with no change.
Is there a windows mailing list that would be more appropriate for these
questions? I'd like to ditch windows, but there are a few reasons I can't,
one of the big ones being that this is a shared computer with too small a
hard drive for a dual boot system.
Thank you
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