> I think the XFS and Reiserfs folks will be happy to look at the
> problem, but it would be very helpful for them to have a prepackaged
> benchmark (or two or three) to use. We should set up an FTP area to
> them. Joe, can you contribute yours? Does anybody else have anything?
I don't mind contributing the script and schema that I used, but one thing I
failed to mention in my first post is that the first thing the script does
is open connections to 256 databases (all on this same machine), and the
transactions are relatively evenly dispersed among the 256 connections. The
test was originally written to try out an idea to allow scalability by
partitioning the data into seperate databases (which could eventually each
live on its own server). If you are interested I can modify the test to use
only one database and rerun the same tests this weekend.