Actually, given that there may not always be a backup_employee field (can be
null) I think I'm forced to use an outer join to return all team leader
records regardless if a matching backup_employee record exists. I'll test
yours out and see.
Thank you!
-----Original Message-----
From: Michael Glaesemann []
Sent: January 30, 2004 11:21 PM
To: Anony Mous
Subject: Re: [GENERAL] Two joins on same foreign key
On Jan 31, 2004, at 7:03 AM, Anony Mous wrote:
> Table #1
> employee_id (pk)
> employee_name
> Table #2
> teamleader_employee_id
> backup_employee_id
> both fields in table 2 need to do a lookup in table 1 to get the name
> of the actual employee. Do I need to use nested queries to accomplish
> this? Any help is greatly appreciated!
I think you could handle this by calling table1 twice, but with
different aliases, like so
SELECT leader.employee_name, backup.employee_name
FROM table1 leader, table1 backup, table2 t2
leader.employee_id = t2.teamleader_employee_id AND
backup.employee_id = t2.backup_employee_id
Does that work for you?
Michael Glaesemann
grzm myrealbox com