I generally consider myself competent with the complexities of quoting but I
can't figure out postgres at all. I've read the manual and it looks very
straightforward but that doesn't accord with my experiences. Here's an
create table temp (a varchar(50));
insert into temp values 'a\'b';
insert into temp values 'a\\b';
insert into temp values 'a\\\'b';
select * from temp returns
so far so good but what about this:
select * from temp where a like 'a\\\'%'
this should return all strings starting with a\' but it returns nothing!!!
I would expect that these two
select * from temp where a like 'a\\\'b'
select * from temp where a = 'a\\\'b'
should return the same thing. The second one works as expected, but the
first one doesn't return anything.
I'm sure I'm missing something obvious. Thanks in advance for any help.
--- Tim