Re: win32 pgsql not installable - Mailing list pgsql-hackers-win32

From Christian Klemke
Subject Re: win32 pgsql not installable
Msg-id 005f01c4749b$91e58eb0$4701a8c0@NTBKCKLEMKE
Whole thread Raw
In response to win32 pgsql not installable  (Andreas Pflug <>)
Responses Re: win32 pgsql not installable
List pgsql-hackers-win32
Guys ! Please take into account that users will not be able to be run the
Postgres service on Win XP Home. XP Home does not offer the local security
policy editor and therefore it is not possible to have the logon-as-service
right for any user except administrators (I'm not shure if it would be
possible to assign the approriate rights programmatically - maybe this
option should be included in the installer then ?). By default, you can only
create two type of users, namely users with administrative rights and
so-called "limited" users. Limited users also cannot, for instance, create
file underneath the program files folder etc., making it impossible to
install Postgres there (it works in different locations, however).
I certainly do not want to start a discussion about using XP Home vs. using
XP Professional here (most of us would of course never use XP Home); I just
wanted to ask if you are aware of this restrictions.
Timezone recognitions seems to be a general problem as well. If I run initdb
on my German Win XP, I get
"could not recognize system timezone, defaulting to "Etc/GMT-1".
My system timezone is "Westeuropäische Sommerzeit" (GMT+02:00) or
"Westeuropäische Normalzeit" (GMT+01:00). In the timezone settings dialog,
Windows shows "(GMT+01:00) Amsterdam, Berlin, Bern, Rom, Stockholm, Wien".
The correct timezone would be "Europe/Berlin" in my case (I know I can set
it manually). I guess the localized descriptions are likely to make a
unified recognition very hard... Do you plan any improvements in this area ?
Apart from these two points: has anyone done Windows vs. Unix performance
tests yet for Postgres 7.5 ?
And to the developers: what is your planned timeframe for 7.5, if any ?


pgsql-hackers-win32 by date:

From: "Magnus Hagander"
Subject: Re: now()
From: Andrew Dunstan
Subject: Re: win32 pgsql not installable