> > Short Description
> > Can't insert a value of 0 (zero) into a Bytea type.
> >
> > Long Description
> > It does not zeem possible to insert a value of zero (0) into a bytea
type. A
> > lso, using '\134' (the octal code for a backslash) causes byteain() to
> > te an error message.
> >
> > As a side issue, how can one tell a backslash followed by 3 digits (four
> > s of data) from an encoded byte of data? It seems to me that byteaout()
> > ld always output an octal escape sequence per byte, even if the
character is
> > printable. That way the result is unambiguous in meaning (even if it is
> > eful of bytes).
> Further investigation provided the following information:
> 1. To insert a zero value the '\\000' sequence is required.
> 2. To insert a backslash, 4 backslashes are required (i.e. '\\\\')
> Therefore, to insert a backslash followed by the characters 1, 2, and 3
> bytes of data), you would uses the sequence '\\\\123'. On retrieval from
> database, the sequence '\\123' would be returned.
> Can anyone confirm that this is correct. If it is, then this bug report
can be closed.
This was recently discussed on hackers (see
http://fts.postgresql.org/db/mw/msg.html?mid=1032591), but the short answer
is that you are correct (and that this is not a bug).
[root@jec-linux /root]# psql -U postgres test
Welcome to psql, the PostgreSQL interactive terminal.
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test=# create table t1(f1 bytea);
test=# insert into t1(f1) values('\\\\123');
INSERT 1482289 1
test=# select f1 from t1;
(1 row)
test=# select octet_length(f1) from t1;
(1 row)
test=# insert into t1(f1) values('\\000');
INSERT 1482290 1
test=# select f1 from t1 where f1 = '\\000';
(1 row)
test=# select octet_length(f1) from t1 where f1 = '\\000';
(1 row)
-- Joe