Re: Strange Error - Mailing list pgsql-jdbc

From Dave Cramer
Subject Re: Strange Error
Msg-id 005301c1bec8$1662b9b0$c201a8c0@inspiron
Whole thread Raw
In response to Re: Strange Error  (# sriram # <>)
Responses Re: Strange Error
Re: Strange Error
List pgsql-jdbc
Well if both mysql, and postgres are throwing the same error then
something else is interfering. If it were me, I would monitor the
connection with a small cron job that does a netstat | grep 5432 and
note the pid of the connection. My assumption is that something is
restarting postgres? I suspect that it will drop at exactly the same
time everyday. At any rate, I don't believe it is the jdbc driver, or
postgres. I routinely keep connections alive for months.

One thing that just hit me, do you do a Vacuum in a cron job? Of course
that would only affect postgres, but it popped in my head.


-----Original Message-----
[] On Behalf Of # sriram #
Sent: Tuesday, February 26, 2002 8:04 AM
To: Nick
Cc: Psql-Jdbc
Subject: Re: [JDBC] Strange Error

mine is a standalone servlets now...

i believe there are no firewall scripts running on the machine...

believe me...this is pure ill luck...simple programs throwing complex

!Here are a few more ideas:
!> well....i missed the should read
!> jdbc:postgres://localhost:5432/mydb," "," ".....
!OK, so that's not the problem.
!> i mentioned apache and make matters more simple if
someone !> really feels that my jdbc classpath should also be present on
the tomcat !> lib directory....i tried that also...(sounds silly though)
! !Are you running this through a servlet, or just in a standalone
application? !I'd suggest trying to debug this with a simple standalone
application first !& get tomcat involved once the database issue is
resolved. ! ! !> i ran netstat --tcp -a -n | grep 5432 and i found just
5432 listening to !> my requests and there are no other clashes... ! !I
think others have experienced disconnects after an initial response due
to !some packet filtering, so I'm still curious about whether you have
any !network security software running. ! ! !> i also tried running
postmaster on a different port...but no avail... !> some one mentioned
that i am trying to access a jdbc2 statement...... !> how far can i go
in that direction... ! ! !> PS..amazingly mysql also throws the same
error ?? ! !I think this is an important clue. I think it points again
to another piece !of software interfering. ! !-NickF

---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
TIP 4: Don't 'kill -9' the postmaster

pgsql-jdbc by date:

From: # sriram #
Subject: Re: Strange Error
From: Alexey Slynko
Subject: User-defined types