Re: CVS server ? - Mailing list pgadmin-support

From Mark Perez
Subject Re: CVS server ?
Msg-id 004301c34198$fdcb7630$de01a8c0@whg01
Whole thread Raw
In response to Re: CVS server ?  ("Dave Page" <>)
List pgadmin-support

I am having a problem when I import and export a table from Access 97 after
making a change in pgadmin.  There are many tables in my database that i
utilize and I need the interface with Access 97.

Is there a reason that Access 97 does not recognize the database "after"
changes have been made in pgadmin, ie, add a column, field, etc.?

If anyone has this answer, or knows someone who does, please let me know.

Best regards,

Mark A. Perez
IT Specialist
Woods Hole Group
----- Original Message -----
From: "Dave Page" <>
To: "John Bercik" <>; "pgadmin support"
Sent: Thursday, July 03, 2003 2:38 PM
Subject: Re: [pgadmin-support] CVS server ?

DNS problem - should be OK now.

Regards, Dave.

> -----Original Message-----
> From: John Bercik []
> Sent: 03 July 2003 12:23
> To: pgadmin support
> Subject: [pgadmin-support] CVS server ?
> Is the server down?
> [root@sandman root]# cvs -z3 -d
> co pgadmin3
> Unknown host
> --
> Best regards,
> John Bercik E-Mail:
> Systems Programmer Office: 843/792-1715
> Medical University of South Carolina Fax: 843/792-0816
> Room 826F Clinical Science Building
> 76 Jonathan Lucas Street
> Charleston, SC, USA  29425
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pgadmin-support by date:

From: "Adam H. Pendleton"
Subject: Re: Copy / Paste not working
From: "Mark Perez"
Subject: Windows 2000 Server and PostgreSQL