I 'raise notice'd the whole query by the function (which was quoted in my
previous letter).
Actually I generate the query on the fly according to the given parameters.
I call it in a for R in execute Query statement.
As the function is a bit long I quote only a portion of it.
FieldList := ''select distinct productid, quantity, date, (select dir
from t_changes where id=changeid) as dir '';
FromList := '' from t_stockchanges '';
JoinList := '' join t_prod_in_pgr using (productid) join
t_productgroups on ( '';
WhereList := '' where productid in (select productid from t_prod_in_pgr
where productgroupid = '' || quote_literal(ID) || '') and ''||
''(date between '' || quote_literal(Date1) || '' and '' ||
quote_literal(Date2) || '')'';
-- etc...
Query := FieldList || FromList || JoinList || WhereList;
raise notice ''%'', Query;
for StockChangesRec in execute Query loop
end loop
AFAIC running the copy-pasted notice from psql console is equivalent with
calling it from a for ... in statement.
Any suggestions or shall I quote the whole function instead?
Thank you very much.
-- Csaba
-----Original Message-----
[]On Behalf Of Tom Lane
Sent: Thursday, August 07, 2003 6:16 PM
Cc: Pgsql-General@Postgresql.Org (E-mail)
Subject: Re: [GENERAL] cannot open multi-query plan as cursor
=?iso-8859-2?Q?Egy=FCd_Csaba?= <> writes:
> When I copy it into the console (psql) it runs well, but from function it
> sends an error:
> ERROR: cannot open multi-query plan as cursor
> What does it mean? Could anybody help me?
I think most likely it means you made a typo transcribing the query into
the function. If you can't figure it out, show us the whole function
definition ...
regards, tom lane
---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
TIP 9: the planner will ignore your desire to choose an index scan if your
joining column's datatypes do not match
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