cannot open multi-query plan as cursor - Mailing list pgsql-general

From Együd Csaba
Subject cannot open multi-query plan as cursor
Msg-id 003e01c35cf4$01bd88c0$230a0a0a@compaq
Whole thread Raw
List pgsql-general
I try to run a function which calls this query: (RH7.1 and Cygwin;
PSQL7.3.2; Odbc; Windows (XP&ME&9x) clients)
select distinct productid, quantity, date, (select dir from t_changes where
id=changeid) as dir  from t_stockchanges join t_prod_in_pgr using
(productid) join t_productgroups on (
where productid in (select productid from t_prod_in_pgr where productgroupid
= '2') and (date between ' 2003.06.07' and '2003.08.07') and
(t_stockchanges.stockid in (1)) and (productid in (select id from t_products
where id in (select productid from t_prod_in_pgr where productgroupid in
(30,26,4,2,6,7,24,25,21,29,17,23,27,28,20,22)))) and
(t_stockchanges.changeid in (7,3)) and ((prooftype = 'INV'and proofid in
(select id from t_invoices where partnerid in
30))) or  (prooftype = 'DSPN'and proofid in (select id from t_dispatchnotes
where partnerid in

When I copy it into the console (psql) it runs well, but from function it
sends an error:
    ERROR:  cannot open multi-query plan as cursor

What does it mean? Could anybody help me?

Thanks a lot,

-- Együd Csaba

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From: "Shridhar Daithankar"
Subject: Re: crashing Xeon?
From: Együd Csaba
Subject: cannot open multi-query plan as cursor