I have the above versions of libpq.so in my system. Which I have to use.
Suppose it might have to chage any config files where I should change.
Thanks alot,
With best regards,
----- Original Message -----
From: "Joe Conway" <mail@joeconway.com>
To: "shreedhar" <shreedhar@lucidindia.net>
Cc: "Postgre Admin" <pgsql-admin@postgresql.org>; "Postgre General"
Sent: Thursday, August 07, 2003 10:24 AM
Subject: Re: [GENERAL] [ADMIN] Call to undefined function: pg_connect()
> shreedhar wrote:
> > Hi All,
> >
> > I Updated my Postgresql Server from 7.2.4 which came along with RH7.3 to
> > 7.3.2. After updating I could not able to connect database through PHP.
So I
> > recompiled PHP4.1.2 (same version which have earlier in my system), even
> > then I am not able to connect through PHP. Is there any other package
has to
> > be installed for this connection.
> If I remember correctly, this is because libpq.so changed from
> libpq.so.2 to libpq.so.3. Is there an old copy of libpq.so.2 hanging
> around that is getting linked with instead of libpq.so.3? Did you re-run
> configure and do a `make clean` on PHP before rebuilding it? If you are
> really desperate, try creating a libpq.so.2 symlink from libpq.so.3.
> HTH,
> Joe
> ---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
> TIP 7: don't forget to increase your free space map settings