I'm having trouble setting up databases in a new location. In particular, I
do the following:
[postgres@whopper pgdata]$ export PGDATA2=/home/pgdata
[postgres@whopper pgdata]$ initlocation PGDATA2
The location will be initialized with username "postgres".
This user will own all the files and must also own the server process.
Fixing permissions on pre-existing directory /home/pgdata
Creating directory /home/pgdata/base
initlocation is complete.
You can now create a database using
in SQL, or
createdb <name> -D 'PGDATA2'
from the shell.
[postgres@whopper pgdata]$ createdb optodb -D 'PGDATA2'
ERROR: The database path 'PGDATA2' is invalid. This may be due to a
character that is not allowed or because the chosen path isn't permitted for
createdb: database creation failed
[postgres@whopper pgdata]$
The permissions for /home/pgdata are
drwx------ 3 postgres postgres 4096 Jun 13 16:41 pgdata
What am I doing wrong? Is /home not permitted for databases? If so, why
not, and what is permitted?
Thank you for any help.
David Barnes