Re: psqlodbclibpq 8_1_03 unicode problem - Mailing list pgsql-odbc
From | Joel Fradkin |
Subject | Re: psqlodbclibpq 8_1_03 unicode problem |
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Msg-id | 003401c59dc7$fa830370$797ba8c0@jfradkin Whole thread Raw |
In response to | psqlodbclibpq 8_1_03 unicode problem ("Mario A. Soto Cordones" <>) |
List | pgsql-odbc |
What I had to do was convert the database to Unicode. The 7.4 driver can read Unicode in SQLASCII, but the 8.0 series does not read uncode dat from a SQLASCII database. Specifically I wrote a application in .net that uses the npgsql .net objects (downloaded from the downloads menu on site). With it you can specify reading from ascii and writing to Unicode. The conection to the new Unicode database should specify encoding = Unicode (actual syntax is in their help). In the net application after reading the string from the aschii database I move it to a unicode encodeing object (I did not have to actually do the conversion as the data was already Unicode I believe, it came from MSSQL server) and write to the connection to the new database which specifies encoding =Unicode. I will include the .net source snippet for the conversion as an example: This is the conversion, note I had to comment most of the example from help out to work for me. Private Function sqltounicode(ByVal asciiString As String) As String 'Dim unicodeString As String = "This string contains the unicode character Pi(" & ChrW(&H3A0) & ")" ' Create two different encodings. Dim ascii As Encoding = Encoding.ASCII Dim [unicode] As Encoding = Encoding.Unicode 'Dim [unicode] As Encoding = Encoding.UTF8 'Dim myconvertstr 'myconvertstr = "à" ' Convert the string into a byte[]. Dim unicodeBytes As Byte() = [unicode].GetBytes(asciiString) 'Dim asciiBytes As Byte() = ascii.GetBytes(asciiString) 'Dim asciiBytes As Byte() = [unicode].GetBytes(myconvertstr) 'Dim test1, test2 'test1 = [unicode].GetString(asciiBytes) 'test2 = ascii.GetString(asciiBytes) ' Perform the conversion from one encoding to the other. 'Dim unicodeBytes As Byte() = Encoding.Convert(ascii, [unicode], asciiBytes) 'test1 = [unicode].GetString(unicodeBytes) 'test2 = ascii.GetString(unicodeBytes) 'sqltounicode = [unicode].GetString(unicodeBytes) sqltounicode = [unicode].GetString(unicodeBytes) ' Convert the new byte[] into a char[] and then into a string. ' This is a slightly different approach to converting to illustrate ' the use of GetCharCount/GetChars. 'Dim asciiChars(ascii.GetCharCount(asciiBytes, 0, asciiBytes.Length)) As Char ' Dim unicodeChars([unicode].GetCharCount(unicodeBytes, 0, unicodeBytes.Length)) As Char 'ascii.GetChars(asciiBytes, 0, asciiBytes.Length, asciiChars, 0) ' [unicode].GetChars(unicodeBytes, 0, unicodeBytes.Length, unicodeChars, 0) ' Dim unicodeString As New String(unicodeChars) 'sqltounicode = unicodeString ' Display the strings created before and after the conversion. 'Console.WriteLine("Original string: {0}", unicodeString) 'Console.WriteLine("Ascii converted string: {0}", asciiString) End Function This loops through a set of table names (I used a seq to deal with dependancies Private Sub Buttontounicode_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Buttontounicode.Click Dim strConnectSource Dim insertsqltext As String Dim isfirstrow As Boolean Dim NeedsQuotes As Boolean Dim insertvaluestr As String Dim addingfield As Boolean Dim SQLconnString2 As String 'Dim dbconntbl As SqlConnection Dim dbcomm2 As NpgsqlCommand 'used to get table names Dim dbcomm As New NpgsqlCommand 'used to get data 'dbcomm = New NpgsqlCommand(strSQL, cnn) Dim cmd As New NpgsqlCommand Dim tablename As String Dim cnn As New NpgsqlConnection("Server=" + TextBoxpostgresserver.Text + ";Port=5432;User Id=postgres;Password=;Database=" + TextBoxposgresdbname.Text + ";") cnn.Open() Dim myreader As NpgsqlDataReader Dim cnnunicode As New NpgsqlConnection("Server=" + TextBoxunicodeserver.Text + ";Port=5432;User Id=postgres;Password=;Database=" + TextBoxunicodedbname.Text + ";Encoding=UNICODE;") cnnunicode.Open() Dim i As Integer Dim mytype, myfieldname As String Dim strSQL, rptsql, datagrid1, datagrid2, datagrid2a, datagrid3, dataCust, dbread Dim teststr ' Start a local transaction Try ' myCommand.CommandText = "SET client_encoding= 'UNICODE';" ' myCommand.ExecuteNonQuery() ' dbconn.Open() strSQL = "Select name " strSQL = strSQL + " from tbl_tablnames " 'where name ~* 'tblresponse_line'" strSQL = strSQL + " order by seq " 'strSQL = "SELECT tablename FROM pg_tables WHERE tableowner = current_user and schemaname = 'public'" dbcomm2 = New NpgsqlCommand(strSQL, cnn) Dim myreader2 As NpgsqlDataReader = dbcomm2.ExecuteReader While myreader2.Read() tablename = myreader2(0).ToString() 'tablename = "tblcase" strSQL = "SELECT * FROM " + tablename '+ " where clientnum = 'law' and customerid = 41288 " 'strSQL = "SELECT * FROM tblcase where clientnum = 'HBC' and casenum ='01613-00082-05'" dbcomm.Connection = cnn dbcomm.CommandText = strSQL 'Dim myreader As NpgsqlDataReader = dbcomm.ExecuteReader myreader = dbcomm.ExecuteReader 'Dim myreader As NpgsqlDataReader = dbcomm.ExecuteReader While myreader.Read() isfirstrow = True insertsqltext = "insert into " + tablename + "(" For i = 0 To myreader.FieldCount() - 1 addingfield = True If IsDBNull(myreader(i)) Then addingfield = False End If If addingfield Then teststr = myreader.GetDataTypeName(i) If myreader.GetDataTypeName(i) = "timestamp" Or myreader.GetDataTypeName(i) = "datetime" Or myreader.GetDataTypeName(i) = "smalldatetime" Then insertvaluestr = CStr(myreader(i)) If Len(insertvaluestr) = 9 Or Len(insertvaluestr) = 8 Or Len(insertvaluestr) = 11 Or Len(insertvaluestr) = 10 Then If InStr(insertvaluestr, ":") > 0 Then addingfield = False End If End If End If End If If addingfield Then insertvaluestr = myreader.GetName(i).ToString If isfirstrow Then isfirstrow = False insertsqltext = insertsqltext + insertvaluestr Else insertsqltext = insertsqltext + "," + insertvaluestr End If End If Next '**********Get values insertsqltext = insertsqltext + ") values(" isfirstrow = True For i = 0 To myreader.FieldCount() - 1 addingfield = True If IsDBNull(myreader(i)) Then addingfield = False End If If addingfield Then If myreader.GetDataTypeName(i) = "timestamp" Or myreader.GetDataTypeName(i) = "datetime" Or myreader.GetDataTypeName(i) = "smalldatetime" Then insertvaluestr = CStr(myreader(i)) If Len(insertvaluestr) = 9 Or Len(insertvaluestr) = 8 Or Len(insertvaluestr) = 11 Or Len(insertvaluestr) = 10 Then If InStr(insertvaluestr, ":") > 0 Then addingfield = False Else insertvaluestr = insertvaluestr + " 10:00:00" End If End If End If End If If myreader.GetDataTypeName(i) = "bit" Then NeedsQuotes = False ElseIf myreader.GetDataTypeName(i) = "char" Or myreader.GetDataTypeName(i) = "ntext" Or myreader.GetDataTypeName(i) = "text" Or myreader.GetDataTypeName(i) = "varchar" Or myreader.GetDataTypeName(i) = "nvarchar" Or myreader.GetDataTypeName(i) = "datetime" Or myreader.GetDataTypeName(i) = "smalldatetime" Then NeedsQuotes = True ElseIf myreader.GetDataTypeName(i) = "decimal" Or myreader.GetDataTypeName(i) = "float" Or myreader.GetDataTypeName(i) = "int" Or myreader.GetDataTypeName(i) = "money" Or myreader.GetDataTypeName(i) = "smallint" Or myreader.GetDataTypeName(i) = "smallmoney" Or myreader.GetDataTypeName(i) = "tinyint" Then NeedsQuotes = False End If If addingfield Then insertvaluestr = myreader.GetName(i).ToString.Trim() insertvaluestr = CStr(myreader(i)) insertvaluestr = sqltounicode(insertvaluestr) insertvaluestr = insertvaluestr.Replace("'", "''") insertvaluestr = insertvaluestr.Replace("\", "\\") insertvaluestr = insertvaluestr.Trim If UCase(myreader.GetName(i).ToString.Trim) = "ISDELETED" Then If UCase(insertvaluestr) = "1" Then insertvaluestr = "True" Else If UCase(insertvaluestr) = "0" Then insertvaluestr = "False" End If End If End If If UCase(myreader.GetName(i).ToString.Trim) = "ACTIVE" Then If UCase(insertvaluestr) = "Y" Then insertvaluestr = "True" Else If UCase(insertvaluestr) = "N" Then insertvaluestr = "False" End If End If End If 'End If If NeedsQuotes Then If isfirstrow Then isfirstrow = False insertsqltext = insertsqltext + "'" + insertvaluestr + "'" Else insertsqltext = insertsqltext + ",'" + insertvaluestr + "'" End If Else If isfirstrow Then isfirstrow = False insertsqltext = insertsqltext + "" + insertvaluestr Else insertsqltext = insertsqltext + "," + insertvaluestr End If End If End If Next 'insert into tblUser(ClientNum,UserID,LocationID,CompleteName,UserName,PassWord,CreateDat e,LastModified,IsLocked,Email,OfflineModules,FailedLogins,PermCaseManagement ,PermGeneralInv,PermEmployeInv,PermExceptionReportsTemplates,PermExceptionRe portsQueue,PermAssociateDatabase,PermEmergencyContact,PermAwardsManagement,P ermIncidentsManagement,PermSystemAdministration,IsSuperUser,LevelID,PermPara meterSetting,JobTitleID,CreatedByID,IsDeleted,PermCollectionManagement,Last_ Login,PermSafe,PermRisk,PermClaims,PermAudit,PermPrior,PermORT,PermAuditCrea tion,PermTraining,PermStats,isCollected,PermShrink,PermExport,DefaultAuditVi ew,DefaultDisplay,Last_PassWord_Update,UserMovementLogging,PermEthics,Presen tationID,PermBlackberryAudit,PermEvidenceFolder,PermPresentationLayer,PermTr ansportSealIssues,PermTimeandBilling,PermFacilitiesManagement,PermSkillInven tory,PermSubcontractor,PermVendor,PermInternalInventoryTracking,PermParenAud it) values('LIM',1,1,'Super user','admin','1brain','1/13/2000 3:53:03 PM','4/10/2002 11:21:05 AM',False,'','',0,'1;1;1;1;','1;1;1;1;','1;1;1;1;','0;0;0;0;','0;0;0;0;','1; 1;1;1;','1;1;1;1;','1;1;1;1;1;','1;1;1;1;','1;1;1;1;',False,1,'1;1;1;1;',,,F alse,'1;1;1;1;','10/30/2004 3:44:15 PM','1;1;1;1;','1;1;1;1;','1;1;1;1;','1;1;1;1;','1;1;1;1;','0;0;0;0;','1;1;1 ;1;','0;0;0;0;','1;1;1;1;',True,'1;1;1;1;','1;1;0;0;','S','A ','1/1/2002','N','1;1;1;1;',1,'1;1;1;1;','1;1;1;1;','1;1;1;1;','1;1;1;1;','1 ;1;1;1;','1;1;1;1;','1;1;1;1;','1;1;1;1;','1;1;1;1;','1;1;1;1;','1;1;1;1;') insertsqltext = insertsqltext + ")" Try 'Dim cmd As New NpgsqlCommand(insertsqltext, cnnunicode) cmd.Connection = cnnunicode 'insertsqltext = sqltounicode(insertsqltext) cmd.CommandText = insertsqltext cmd.ExecuteNonQuery() Catch ex As Exception HandleError(ex, insertsqltext) Labelinfo.Text &= "An exception of type " & ex.GetType().ToString() & "was encountered while inserting the data.:" + insertsqltext Finally End Try End While 'getting data 'Client = myreader("client") myreader.Close() 'myConnection.Close() End While 'getting tables myreader = Nothing myreader2.Close() myreader2 = Nothing Catch ex As System.OutOfMemoryException HandleError(ex, strSQL) Catch ex As System.Data.OleDb.OleDbException HandleError(ex, strSQL) Catch ex As System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException HandleError(ex, strSQL) Catch ex As System.Data.Odbc.OdbcException HandleError(ex, strSQL) Finally ' always call Close when done reading. 'myConnection.Close() dbcomm.Dispose() dbcomm2.Dispose() cmd.Dispose() cnnunicode.Close() cnnunicode.Dispose() cnn.Close() cnn.Dispose() End Try End Sub Joel Fradkin Wazagua, Inc. 2520 Trailmate Dr Sarasota, Florida 34243 Tel. 941-753-7111 ext 305 Powered by Wazagua Providing you with the latest Web-based technology & advanced tools. © 2004. WAZAGUA, Inc. All rights reserved. WAZAGUA, Inc This email message is for the use of the intended recipient(s) and may contain confidential and privileged information. Any unauthorized review, use, disclosure or distribution is prohibited. If you are not the intended recipient, please contact the sender by reply email and delete and destroy all copies of the original message, including attachments. -----Original Message----- From: Simeó Reig [] Sent: Wednesday, August 10, 2005 10:55 AM To: Joel Fradkin Subject: Re: [ODBC] psqlodbclibpq 8_1_03 unicode problem Hi Joel, It's seems like this is my problem, I've a SQL_ASCII database ... Is it possible to change to unicode for read catalan letters from ODBC ? I 've been reading alter database manual and seems like there is not this possibility ... How do you made it ? Thanks Simeó Reig Barcelona ----- Original Message ----- From: "Joel Fradkin" <> To: "'Josef Springer'" <Josef.Springer@JOOPS.COM>; <> Sent: Wednesday, August 10, 2005 3:01 PM Subject: Re: [ODBC] psqlodbclibpq 8_1_03 unicode problem Not sure why your getting that. Is the database Unicode? When I was in SQLASCII mine read as ? The older driver 7.4 reas SQLASCII ok and presented French characters ok, but newer version did not. When I converted to a Unicode database I could read the French characters ok with the new driver. By the way been up Since Monday no odbc errors yet :) Joel Fradkin Wazagua, Inc. 2520 Trailmate Dr Sarasota, Florida 34243 Tel. 941-753-7111 ext 305 Powered by Wazagua Providing you with the latest Web-based technology & advanced tools. © 2004. WAZAGUA, Inc. All rights reserved. WAZAGUA, Inc This email message is for the use of the intended recipient(s) and may contain confidential and privileged information. Any unauthorized review, use, disclosure or distribution is prohibited. If you are not the intended recipient, please contact the sender by reply email and delete and destroy all copies of the original message, including attachments. -----Original Message----- From: [] On Behalf Of Josef Springer Sent: Wednesday, August 10, 2005 7:58 AM To: Subject: Re: [ODBC] psqlodbclibpq 8_1_03 unicode problem I have the same problem and reported a bug. It seems, that Unicode is readed unencoded (one byte per character) Josef Springer Simeó Reig wrote: >> I am using the versionde psqlodbclibpq 8_01_003, to be able to use ssl >> connections, and until the moment works well, but the problem has it >> with >> caracters like: >> >> character Ñ, show like character ? >> character ó, show like character ?? >> >> that I can make? >> >> Thank you > > > I've the same problem too with spanish and catalan letters, Seems like > it don't support unicode characters. > > Thanks a lot > > > ---------------------------(end of broadcast)--------------------------- > TIP 6: explain analyze is your friend ---------------------------(end of broadcast)--------------------------- TIP 5: don't forget to increase your free space map settings ---------------------------(end of broadcast)--------------------------- TIP 6: explain analyze is your friend
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