Re: exporting data - Mailing list pgsql-admin

From Devi Munandar
Subject Re: exporting data
Msg-id 003201c344fd$6510f290$44e4a8c0@Bukittinggi
Whole thread Raw
In response to exporting data  ("Sidar Lopez Cruz" <>)
Responses Re: exporting data
List pgsql-admin
Dear Admin,
Same Problem with Mr.Sidar Lopez Cruz too,but I want to Migration my data from microsoft Excel to Postgresql, there are any possible to Migration..???
best regard,
-devi munandar
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Tuesday, July 08, 2003 12:44 AM
Subject: [ADMIN] exporting data

which is the best tool for exporting data from mssql to postgresql
i try with pgAdmin II, but it's slow
i try directly by odbc from mssql but don't work

:-) Sidar Lopez Cruz
- Cero Riesgo, S.A.

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