> >
> > Wouldn't you just be looking for something like:
> >
> > BEGIN;
> > EXECUTE 'insert into forums_readposts values ('...')';
> > EXCEPTION when unique_violation THEN
> > EXECUTE 'update forums_readposts set lastpostread =
> '...' ';
> > END;
> > The logic as i read your post is. If the user's never done a
> "catchup" operation
> > before, this will create the record. If he has, then it will update
> this record
> > to reflect the new transid.
> >
> > Dave
> >
> Hmm, yeah. I'm new to PostgreSQL, and have little experience with
> MySQL other than basic queries and joins. I didn't get to the part in
> the docs that covers EXECUTE yet, haha. That looks like it would do
> exactly what I want it to.
[Spotts, Christopher]
There's a good example and some documentation of what Dave said in the manual at the bottom of this page.
You should really only need to "EXECUTE" here if you have some dynamically determined columns or tables. The "magic"
hereis a combination of "IF found" and "EXCEPTION WHEN unique violation"