Well, yes, I also don't think that it would work well in the long term. But we could go with the ".internal" subpackage
On the other hand I wonder wether the risk of using internal stuff really exists. I mean, people shall code against
java.*API, not against org.postgresql implementation. If we make this clear in the JavaDocs, maybe it is enough?
-----Original Message-----
From: Vladimir Sitnikov [mailto:sitnikov.vladimir@gmail.com]
Sent: Donnerstag, 23. Juli 2015 19:12
To: Markus KARG
Cc: List
Subject: Re: [JDBC] Public vs internal APIs
Any hint to the project that successfully uses "all stuff in a single
java package" approach?
I'm afraid that is too tight.
For instance, RxJava mixes "annotations and internal package"
approach: https://github.com/ReactiveX/RxJava#versioning