Re: Can't switch the postgres user.. - Mailing list pgsql-cygwin
From | George Weaver |
Subject | Re: Can't switch the postgres user.. |
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Msg-id | 002c01c35506$6465be20$0100007f@cleartag Whole thread Raw |
In response to | Re: Can't switch the postgres user.. ("Roger Ackroyd" <>) |
List | pgsql-cygwin |
----- Original Message -----From: MarvinSent: Friday, July 25, 2003 4:41 PMSubject: Re: [CYGWIN] Can't switch the postgres user.._________________________________________________________________
-I did the steps 5, 6 & 7-Logged out and login as the postgres user.-When I execute the command:postgres@guaj215desa ~
$ chmod 777 /usr/share/postgresql/data
chmod: changing permissions of `/usr/share/postgresql/data': Permission deniedWhat can I do.MAGO
(I have been installing this CygWin version for 4 days, please help.)-------Mensaje original-------De: Roger AckroydFecha: Jueves, 24 de Julio de 2003 02:51:32 p.m.Asunto: Re: [CYGWIN] Can't switch the postgres user..Starting from Owner account delete and recreate any .../usr/share/postgresql/data folder and its contents created before i.e. proceed from step 5)at step 8 Switch to your postgres account and try the followingchmod 777 /usr/share/postgresql/datachmod a+rwx /usr/share/postgresql/datainitdb /usr/share/postgresql/dataSwitch back to Owner accountchmod 777 /usr/share/postgresql/datachmod a+rwx /usr/share/postgresql/datanet start postmasterSee if that works and let me know.RogerIf it does you should be able to do step 10.----- Original Message -----From: MarvinSent: Thursday, July 24, 2003 9:21 PMSubject: Re: [CYGWIN] Can't switch the postgres user..
Ok, I have downloaded and decompress the file:cygwin1-20030710.dll.bz2From the snapshot link indicated in footnote [10]-Stopped and remove the services (ipc-daemon & postmaster)-Rename the dll to cygwin1.dll-Reinstall and restart the services.-chown postgres /usr/share/postgresql/data-Logout and login with postgres account-initdb -D /usr/share/postgresql/dataGot the following error:postgres@guaj215desa ~
$ initdb -D /usr/share/postgresql/data
The files belonging to this database system will be owned by user "postgres".
This user must also own the server process.The database cluster will be initialized with locale C.Fixing permissions on existing directory /usr/share/postgresql/data... chmod: ch
anging permissions of `/usr/share/postgresql/data': Permission deniedinitdb failed.What can I do.MAGO-------Mensaje original-------De: Roger AckroydFecha: Jueves, 24 de Julio de 2003 12:11:53 p.m.Asunto: Re: [CYGWIN] Can't switch the postgres user..MarvinAre you using the following readme?If so, read footnote [16] try that, and then see if you can proceed further. Get Back.Roger----- Original Message -----From: MarvinSent: Thursday, July 24, 2003 7:01 PMSubject: Re: [CYGWIN] Can't switch the postgres user..
File version: 1003.22.0.0API version: 0.78Buil date: 2003-03-18 09:20Product version: 1.3.22-dontuse-21MAGO-------Mensaje original-------De: Roger AckroydFecha: Jueves, 24 de Julio de 2003 11:53:51 a.m.Asunto: Re: [CYGWIN] Can't switch the postgres user..MarvinLook in your ../cygwin/bin and check the version of your cygwin1.dll. Let me know.[Jason] this might help clarify the answer to my own question on the other matter.Roger----- Original Message -----From: MarvinSent: Thursday, July 24, 2003 6:42 PMSubject: [CYGWIN] Can't switch the postgres user..
Thank you Roger and Jason.I downloaded the cygipc-1-14.1 and installed on my XPEverything goes fine until I do the step:8. Initialize PostgreSQL (*when running under the "postgres" account*):
mgonzalez@guaj215desa ~
$ initdb -D /usr/share/postgresql/data
The files belonging to this database system will be owned by user "mgonzalez".
This user must also own the server process.The database cluster will be initialized with locale C.
Fixing permissions on existing directory /usr/share/postgresql/data... ok
creating directory /usr/share/postgresql/data/base... mkdir: cannot create direc
tory `/usr/share/postgresql/data/base': Permission deniedinitdb failed.
mgonzalez@guaj215desa ~
$ su postgres
su: incorrect passwordAs you see, I tried to change the current user to postgres. I left the password blank by pressin ENTER twice.
What I am doing wrong (again).
Thank you in advanced for your patience.
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