I also wanted a LibPqxx on my windows system. At the time I made the decission I took the short route and used ODBC which worked fine when using Acces, Omnis Studio and the Qt libraries.
I need the library because I want to write a Omnis DAM.
I need to get LibPqxx up and running on Windows. I have a pgSQL client which works fine on Linux and I need to port the baby to Windows. 1st challenge was getting a port of ‘popt’ library which I used to parse cmdline options. Now I need to get libpqxx up and running. Does anyone have any experience in accomplishing this. If not, what do other people do to get around this. Is there a more portable pgsql/C++ interface? I have MSVC 6.0 and can’t seem to get the makefile to work. Is there a binary I can just link with? Also where can I get the pgsql.dll which is required.
Any help would be appreciated… If I get no answer then I am busted on the Windows platform and I will rue the day I chose to go with libpqxx. Is there a ODBC driver for postgres on Windows? Maybe I can go that route? If so, my Linux implementation will need some major tweaking…
Please help… I am hoping to have this solved by next week. I was really hoping to get the application to start building this week, but this is becoming a bit of a hinderance…
Thank you,
Michael Uman
Sr. Software Engineer