Hi All,
I gave my previous mail on 'user securities' with subject 'probelm in usersecurities'. In that i mentioned that access to database on localhost is allowed without password. I got suggestion that to go through 'clinet authentication'.
As per that document i changed the 'pg_hba.conf' file as follows.
local all password
while accessing database it is asking for password, if i give database password, i am getting error as 'password authentication failure for user 'xxxx' ' .
host all x.x.x.x x.x.x.x password
If i try to connect through pg_access (tcp/Ip) connection. If I supplied user password i got same above error.
In case of 'trust' connection it is allowing every body without password checking.
How can i use password authentication.
Another question shall we use 'unix securities' using Postgres like 'windows-nt and sqlserver'. and what security protocol is maintaining by postgres.
thanks alot for any suggestion.
with best regards,