Re: PSQLException: ERROR: could not open relation with OID xxxx - Mailing list pgsql-admin

From Gnanakumar
Subject Re: PSQLException: ERROR: could not open relation with OID xxxx
Msg-id 002001cbe2cb$fda09870$f8e1c950$@com
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In response to Re: PSQLException: ERROR: could not open relation with OID xxxx  (Rosser Schwarz <>)
List pgsql-admin
> The key to understanding the problem is to realize that system
> catalogs are pretty much regular tables in PostgreSQL, with some
> additional special rules (no triggers, can't be CLUSTERed or ALTERed,
> &c).  Anything you'd do in a regular table that would create a dead
> tuple — UPDATEs, DELETEs, &c — will have the same effect on a catalog.

Thanks for the detailed explanation on this topic.

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