Re: How to speed up the database query? - Mailing list pgsql-sql

From Christian Paul B. Cosinas
Subject Re: How to speed up the database query?
Msg-id 001701c5db0d$66cc73e0$1e21100a@ghwk02002147
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In response to How to speed up the database query?  (Abdul Wahab Dahalan <>)
List pgsql-sql
Of course as long as your table increases its records, the longer will take
your query.

I think what you want is to minimize the run time even though you have large
tables. You should fine tune your database server (which I am still looking
for the best configuration for my server haha). And get the most logical
queries. Avoid unnecessary queries.

-----Original Message-----
From: []
On Behalf Of Abdul Wahab Dahalan
Sent: Thursday, October 27, 2005 7:04 AM
Subject: [SQL] How to speed up the database query?

Hi everyone!

I'm looking for solution to speed up the database query, means that to get
resultset as quicker as we can.

For example if I've 700 records in the table it will take longer time
compared if I've only 20 records. How do we speed up the query?. Any query
technique that can be applied?.

Thus wild card query like : select * from tableA will cause query time
increased compare to say select a,b from tableA.

any help, prettymuch appreciated.

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From: Andreas Kretschmer
Subject: Re: How to speed up the database query?
Subject: Re: How to speed up the database query?