I have the same kind of problem in PLpgsql.
But a solution for your problem in PHP can be the functions:
$int_colums = pg_num_fields($result);
for ( $col = 0; $col < $int_colums; $col++ ) {
$field_name = pg_field_name( $this->str_pg_result, $col);
echo '<td>' . $field_name . '</td>' ;
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Monday, January 24, 2005 7:46
Subject: [NOVICE] find column names from query
I'm trying to find a way to get the column names of a table, knowing only the table name. (I'm trying to display the contents of various hidden support tables to the DB administrator)
here's what's happening:
user picks a table name from a select list (HTML),
a SELECT * FROM selected_table ... query is sent (PHP)
nested for loops print out the table data (PHP and HTML)
works great to here, although I realize I'm cheating a little.
problem is the data has no column labels.
going through the documentation I found the following:
SELECT attname::regclass FROM pg_attribute WHERE attrelid = travel::regclass
I'm trying to get the attname, which should be the column name, from the pg_attribute "table"(or catalog?) when attrelid, which should be the table name, which I have.
trying this query in PgadminIII I get:
ERROR: cannot cast type name to regclass
I could go through and hardcode the table data into the application, but I'd prefer not to.
Any suggestions to make this work, or for better methods appreciated.
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