Just forget my previous email.
PostgreSQL does not use index on LIKE 'a%' but it will use the index if LIKE 'ab%' or something longer.
So the optimizer thinks it is not good enough if it's only 1 character.
Well done !
Thank you
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Saturday, January 12, 2002 11:35 AM
Subject: [GENERAL] again, LIKE operator
Dear All
I've search the archive and manuals and it says I should use C locale in order to enable LIKE to use index.
Postgresql was installed after I set the locale to C. So I'm sure the initdb will use C.
From EXPLAIN I know that :
SELECT * FROM GuestProfile WHERE FirstName LIKE 'a' will use index on FirstName
SELECT * FROM GuestProfile WHERE FirstName LIKE 'a%' will not use Index on FirstName
I have 9,999,999 records and it was VACUUM ANALYZE-d.
How do I enforce the optimizer to use the index ?
Thank you in advance