When I executed type cast functions. The postgres normal concatenation operator query was breaking. - Mailing list pgsql-admin

From Saravanakumar Ramasamy
Subject When I executed type cast functions. The postgres normal concatenation operator query was breaking.
Msg-id 000c01cd7c4f$f65e7ae0$e31b70a0$@com
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Responses Re: When I executed type cast functions. The postgres normal concatenation operator query was breaking.
List pgsql-admin

Hi All.

Now I am using postgres 9.1.3 version . Before I am used 8.2.22 after I upgraded 9.1.3. Upgraded was successfully completed.


In Postgres 8.2.22


POSTGRES8222=# select TO_NUMBER('12345678',9999999999.99);




(1 row)


POSTGRES8222=# select a ||'$'|| b from test;






(3 rows)


STATUS : Both queries are executed well.


After upgrade In Postgres 9.1.3


Problem 1 :


beforetypecast=# select TO_NUMBER('12345678',9999999999.99);

ERROR:  function to_number(unknown, numeric) does not exist

LINE 1: select TO_NUMBER('12345678',9999999999.99);


HINT:  No function matches the given name and argument types. You might need to add explicit type casts.


org.postgresql.util.PSQLException: ERROR: function to_number(numeric, numeric) does not exist

Hint: No function matches the given name and argument types. You might need to add explicit type casts.

Position: 150


Problem 2 :


beforetypecast=# select a ||'$'|| b from test;






(3 rows)




I found solution. That solution is 13 implicit type cast. When I executed type cast functions. The postgres normal concatenation operator query was breaking. The error are follows


Problem 1 :



aftertypecast=# select TO_NUMBER('12345678',9999999999.99);




(1 row)



Problem 2 :


aftertypecast=# select a ||'$'|| b from test;

ERROR:  operator is not unique: numeric || unknown

LINE 1: select a ||'$'|| b from test;


HINT:  Could not choose a best candidate operator. You might need to add explicit type casts.


********** Error **********

ERROR: operator is not unique: numeric || unknown

SQL state: 42725

Hint: Could not choose a best candidate operator. You might need to add explicit type casts.

Character: 10


With Regards,

Saravanakumar Ramasamy.


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