----- Original Message -----
From: "Nick Jones" <nick@runtheotherway.com>
To: <morpheus@themutual.net>
Cc: "Raoul Mackle" <raoul@runtheotherway.com>
Sent: Monday, September 23, 2002 7:08 AM
Subject: UI for viewing data fields in edit mode in pgAdminII
> Hey Mark
> We've just started using your postgresql DB admin tool, and have to say
> we're pretty damn happy you guys fixed this glaring hole in postgresql
> development!
> In using it we've come across a couple of little niggles, and wondered if
> there was a forum for discussing these?
> One of the most common we come across is the data editing inside the SQL
> output panel. Here data types are displayed and edited in a single line
> edit box, albeit with a very small scrollbar =) We're using this quite
> frequently at the moment, and were wondering how easy it would be for
> you or us to mod this so that it was at least a few lines larger, or even
> represented that datatype stored in the DB?
> Keen to hear some feedback on this, and the potential to contribute in
> small way..
> thanks!!
> Nick Jones
> Director, RUN
> www.runtheotherway.com
> Office +64 9 379 7862
> Mobile +64 21 609 535