PostgreSQL shutting down - Mailing list pgsql-cygwin

From Thom Hixenbaugh
Subject PostgreSQL shutting down
Msg-id 000701c3165a$730040d0$ca687241@catfish
Whole thread Raw
Responses Re: PostgreSQL shutting down
List pgsql-cygwin

I’m having a problem with my PostgreSQL service shutting down after a period of use. The only clue I have to go by is this entry in the Postmaster.log file


ZeroProcSemaphore: semctl(id=384,SETVAL) failed: Identifier removed

2003-05-01 10:17:17 [1316]   DEBUG:  server process (pid 2824) exited with exit code 255

2003-05-01 10:17:17 [1316]   DEBUG:  terminating any other active server processes

2003-05-01 10:17:17 [1316]   DEBUG:  all server processes terminated; reinitializing shared memory and semaphores

IpcMemoryCreate: shmget(key=5432001, size=1441792, 03600) failed: Not enough memory


This error usually means that PostgreSQL's request for a shared

memory segment exceeded available memory or swap space.

To reduce the request size (currently 1441792 bytes), reduce

PostgreSQL's shared_buffers parameter (currently 64) and/or

its max_connections parameter (currently 32).


The PostgreSQL Administrator's Guide contains more information about

shared memory configuration.


2003-05-01 10:18:24 [1592]   DEBUG:  database system was interrupted at 2003-05-01 10:16:28

2003-05-01 10:18:24 [1592]   DEBUG:  checkpoint record is at 0/6124658

2003-05-01 10:18:24 [1592]   DEBUG:  redo record is at 0/6124658; undo record is at 0/0; shutdown TRUE

2003-05-01 10:18:24 [1592]   DEBUG:  next transaction id: 3985367; next oid: 84154

2003-05-01 10:18:24 [1592]   DEBUG:  database system was not properly shut down; automatic recovery in progress

2003-05-01 10:18:24 [1592]   DEBUG:  ReadRecord: record with zero length at 0/6124698

2003-05-01 10:18:24 [1592]   DEBUG:  redo is not required

2003-05-01 10:18:27 [1592]   DEBUG:  database system is ready

2003-05-01 10:18:30 [2200]   DEBUG:  connection: host= user=mentor database=mentordb

2003-05-01 10:18:30 [2892]   DEBUG:  connection: host= user=mentor database=mentorarchivedb

2003-05-01 10:18:36 [2088]   DEBUG:  connection: host= user=mentor database=mentordb

2003-05-01 10:20:11 [2908]   DEBUG:  connection: host= user=mentor database=mentordb


we tried changing the max connections, and shared buffers up, and down, and neither seemed to work. I also deleted the cygpic*, and multifile* files, because a previous post stated that this may help a similar problem, but it also didn’t make any differences.


Thanks in advance



Thom Hixenbaugh

Inmedius Customer Support

Inmedius, Inc.

1425 Forbes Ave. (Sixth Floor)

Pittsburgh, PA  15219

(412)690-2360 ext 225


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