>This maybe a simple question, but how do you activate the sample demo,
formdemo.sql in PgAccess.
I have also had a problem getting the demo to work. I followed the steps
outlined by Constantin in his reply, but for some reason I keep getting
errors when I psql formdemo<formdemo.sql.
The phonebook table is created OK, but when it gets to the cities table I
get the errors:
pg_aclcheck:class ""cities_id_seq"" not found
pg_ownercheck:class "cities" not found
error: cities: table does not exist
After starting pgAccess I can open forms, see the phonebook table and it's
data, etc, but when I try to open the Schema, I get the error that cities
table does not exist.
Any ideas? I'm using the formdemo.sql that came with the downloaded v 0.98
Mark G