I'm a bit concerned about a 'conceptual' issue.
I'm working on a web based app and am using postgresql
users/groups for authentication, and using functions
/rules/views to ensure users only access/modify their own data.
i.e. many references to 'current_user'
However, in my travels around sf.net, freshmeat etc I haven't come
across any projects built like mine which is concerning to me.
Other projects I've seen use their app for authentication/security
and bypass/ignore the extremely 'useful' security system built into
postgresql and build their own security/authentication system.
I'm wondering if the reason for this is:
A) Necessity.
i.e. Their project frontends run on a mysql backend - and has
to do 'everything'
B) There is some horrible limitation that is going to ruin my day down
the track
Thanks for any comments,