When I changed from 7.2.3 to 7.3 I noticed this behavior.
I did a clean install of the most recent cygwin and PostgreSQL on WinXP
Pro under user '249779', which is a member of Administrators. With
7.2.3, all was fine. With 7.3 (also a clean install), initdb worked fine
but creating a database with createdb or trying to connect (to
template1) with psql failed. I believe it was psql that complained [from
aclchk.c, I think]:
pg_class_aclcheck: invalid user id 249779
After changing my userid to 'harbison' and reinstalling cygwin and 7.3
in the same fashion, there were no errors.
Samuel P. Harbison III, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor
Carlow College Pittsburgh, PA