table partitioning: effects of many sub-tables (was COPY too slow...) - Mailing list pgsql-performance

From Rick Schumeyer
Subject table partitioning: effects of many sub-tables (was COPY too slow...)
Msg-id 000101c5fadb$470c7df0$0200a8c0@dell8200
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List pgsql-performance

Based on a suggestion on the postgis list, I partitioned my 80 million (for now) record table into

subtables of about 230k records (the amount of data collected in five minutes).  At the moment

I have 350 subtables.


Everything seems to be great…COPY time is ok, building a geometric index on “only” 230k records

is ok, query performance is ok.


I’m a little concerned about having so many subtables.  350 tables is not bad, but what happens if

the number of subtables grows into the thousands?  Is there a practical limit to the effectiveness



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