Thanks Merlin, Bruce and Magnus. The postgres conversion to windows is a
mighty undertaking and one with significant impact. That said postgres
has never been as easy to setup as most database systems!
>From: Merlin Moncure []
>1. XP home is not supported. XP home is not designed to run servers of
>kind (PostgreSQL is a server).
Once postgres is available on windows machines I think it will used in a
multitude of applications - some of which are directed towards single
user situations. With the utmost respect I feel postgres needs to run
without issues of the kind presently being presented.
Further suggest that once the install is complete that the installer
present the user with the option to run PGAdminIII so they can "see"
their new database cluster in a modern user-friendly environment. For
that matter can the installer add the localhost / username to PGAdminIII
so that when it is opened for the first time their new server appears on
the lefthandside.
>2. Despite the above fact, that it's perfectly possible to run on XP
>(except for as a service), you just have to know what you are doing.
Having the application start the postmaster if it is not running is
always an option just a service seems the tidier solution and I would
prefer to standardise and only run the application using the same method
in all cases.
>4. I've written a production application and done almost 6 months of
>development on with the is stable, fast, and most likely the
>of win32 development.
I have also used postgres in an application I am eager to roll out. It
is a great database. I just wish I had the time/skill to better
Postgres is an awesome product and patience will be I'm sure its own
reward in this situation.
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